Cross-Over Benefits
Climbing and Yoga are a great fit

There are some essential similarities between yoga and climbing that make the two inseparable. With both, we find ourselves developing a certain level of awareness of our bodies; we begin to understand the importance of breath control; we become mentally strong; we also enhance our physical performance.
There are some essential similarities between yoga and climbing that make the two inseparable. With both, we find ourselves developing a certain level of awareness of our bodies; we begin to understand the importance of breath control; we become mentally strong; we also enhance our physical performance.
Through being mindful and present during yoga and while climbing, we become able to pin point focus on specific parts of our body to allow specific movement. It enables us to control shaking muscles, and create the body tension we need to maintain a particular posture or technique.
Controlled breathing replenishes muscles with the necessary oxygen to recover. Learning to breathe smoothly even when in a difficult position enables us to calm our minds, problem solve, and prevent muscle fatigue. It enables us to move deeper or move through a difficult spot.
Mental Strength happens through the balance of breath, mind and body. Breathing helps us to stay relaxed and focused in the present situation. This allows us to face our fears, and expand our physical limits.
Core strength, static movement, and muscle tension control are required for both climbing and yoga. Through development of movements that require these in one, we are preparing ourselves for the other. Common climbing tightness in hips, hamstrings, and shoulders can be relieved and improved upon by a good yoga session.