Youth Teams
Helping your kids excel in the sport they love

Youth Climbing Teams. Our climbing teams are a fun alternative to traditional sports; other than that, the team structure is very much like you might find in other kids’ sports: regular practices, skills instruction by qualified coaches, age-appropriate physical training and goal tracking are all integral parts of our two teams. The first practice is always free for interested families who just want to check it out.
-Momentum Climbing Team: ages 11- 18. Our competitive team travels to gyms throughout the “Big Sky” region, competing in ABS (American Bouldering Series) and SCS (Sport Climbing Series) competitions. This team also takes a minimum of 4 outdoor trips each year. These multi-day trips are fun for the camping alone, but are also a great way for the kids to apply their climbing skills to real rock, while gaining an appreciation and respect for the outdoors. Parents and other family members are always welcome on these outings; often, the parents end up doing as much climbing as the kids! See our team blog at: for photos. 9 and 10 year olds may join the Momentum Climbing Team after completing prerequisites in Base Camp, or by “testing out” based on prior climbing experience.
Climbing Team practices are held Mondays and Wednesdays from 4:30 to 6:30, with optional practices some Saturdays.
-Base Camp: ages 7-10. Our non-competitive team is a great way for younger kids to experience the fun and excitement of rock climbing with others close to them in age and experience. Base Camp can be used as a way for inexperienced kids to prepare for the Momentum Climbing Team.
Base Camp practices are held Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4:30 to 6.
For more info on either team contact Team Manager Michelle Legg at 801-259-6456 or