Climbing Merit Badge
Everything your scouts need to pass of their climbing merit badge

Momentum Climbing School offers personalized, hands-on instruction for Boy Scout Troops that enables scouts ages 12-18 to earn the Climbing Merit Badge. The instruction each scout receives satisfies all requirements for the merit badge including:
•40 ft rappels
•Knot Instruction
•Climbing Technique
•Care of Rope and Equipment
•Top Rope Climbing
•Safety and Emergency Precautions
Each troop will receive two nights of instruction, two hours per night, for a total of up to five hours spent with our BSA certified merit badge counselor. Leaders should call ahead of time to schedule a troop outing, and to obtain waivers which must be signed by each scout's parent ahead of time.
PRICE: $30 per scout with a five-scout minimum.
Price covers all gym and equipment rental fees.
A merit badge counselor will contact you within 24 hours.
Questions about our Climbing Merit Badge classes?
Call (801)448-1414; or email